This site is dedicated to my Uncle, Ned Burton Donohue, and the other men, women and children that lost their lives on December 7, 1941. |
"Immortality is only when somebody remembers your name after you're gone." ---Unknown |
This Site owned and maintained by Rebecca Johnson
NOTE: Please let us know if you recognize anyone in the pictures on this site, we would like to include their name under their picture |
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Crew of the USS Arizona with President Hoover March 21, 1931 |
"As a Pearl Harbor Survivor who was at ground zero on 'battleship row' the morning of December 7, 1941, I feel if you didn't go through it, there's no words that can adequately describe it, if you were there, then no words are necessary." ---John H. McGoran, US Navy, USS California, Survivor |
Day is done, gone the sun, From the hills, from the lake, From the skies. All is well, safely rest, God is nigh.
Go to sleep, peaceful sleep, May the soldier or sailor, God keep. On the land or the deep, Safe in sleep.
Love, good night, Must thou go, When the day, And the night Need thee so? All is well. Speedeth all To their rest.
Fades the light; And afar Goeth day, And the stars Shineth bright, Fare thee well; Day has gone, Night is on.
Thanks and praise, For our days, 'Neath the sun, Neath the stars, 'Neath the sky, As we go, This we know, God is nigh. |
"Think of those we left behind, in death or angquished pain, For he that remains forgotten, has truly died in vain. ---Art Morsch, USS New Orleans (CA-32), Pearl Harbor Survivor |
Willard Jones (left) and his shipmates on liberty. Willard was a casualty aboard the USS Arizona. (Picture provided by Mayme Steppie & the Fisher family)
Read Willard Jones' Personal story (Click on Star to open story) |

This site contains a vast amount of information we have located regarding the attack on Pearl Harbor, Hickam Field, Ford Island, Wheeler Field, Camp Malakole, Ewa Air Base, Ft. Armstrong, Schofield Barracks, Ft. Shafter, Kaneohe Bay, Ft. DeRussy, Submarine Base, Ft. Kamahameha, Haleiwa, Ft. Ruger, Ft. Weaver, Bishops Point, Bellows Field, Sand Island and Midway Island on December 7, 1941.
If this is your first visit...thank you for visiting. We hope you like what we have accomplished. You will be able to view many pictures of the attack as well as quotes and eyewitness accounts from the survivors.
For those of you returning to the site...welcome back. We hope that you will enjoy the new items we have added since your last visit.
Please let us know if you discover any problems while visiting our site (i.e. broken link, skips pages, etc). You can notify us at the e-mail address provided on the next page. Please note that you may or may not hear music on this site...this will be directly related to your computer's capability.
We hope you enjoy the site!
Please note that we do not intend to offend anyone with the information provided. The pictures on this site, no matter how graphic, are intended to honor the men, women and children that were killed on this horrible day in history. ---Rebecca Johnson

We are happy to announce that July 2, 2008 marked the 7th year anniversary of our web sites.
We would like to thank all of you for your support, encouragement and friendship over these years.
Our sites have grown larger than our family could have ever imagined.
---Rebecca Johnson |
Proudly Displayed On This Site |