Warren Joseph Sherrill
USS Arizona
Used with permission from Warren's nephew, James Sherrill.
Warren Joseph Sherrill and his twin brother, John Benjamin Sherrill dropped out of high school in Corpus Christi, Texas in 1938 and enlisted in the Navy.  They went through basic training in San Diego.

Warren and John were both assigned to the USS Arizona.  Warren had a pretty good life on board the ship as a chaplain's mate.  John, on the other hand was stationed five decks below in charge of loading munitions onto an elevator. 

John transferred off of the Arizona in 1940 and was assigned to the destroyer John D. Ford, in the Far East.  John was in the Philippines when the Japanese attacked Pearl Harbor.  John always talked about his time aboard the USS Arizona and the frequent convoy duty between Pearl Harbor and San Francisco.

Warren was probably assisting the chaplain the morning of the attack. 

Following the war, the City of Corpus Christi created a city park in honor of Warren.  Sherrill Park is the only known park to be named after a USS Arizona crew member. 

Warren was buried in Corpus Christi.

John (Left) and Warren (Right)
Naval Recruiting office
in Corpus Christy
Newspaper article.
(Click on star to access information).