Wilfred John Criswell
USS Arizona
The following is an excerpt from statements made by Clyde J. Combs  Survivor USS Arizona

We couldn't do anything to help anyone so four or five of us removed some of our clothing and shoes and jumped overboard into the burning water in order to swim to Ford Island, which was approximately 100 yards away.  BAD IDEA!  It was impossible to swim so we made our way back to the quay and to the ladder leading back to the ship's deck.  Luckily, that part of the ship had not sustained much damage.

Minutes later a sailor walked out of a burning compartment and said, "Help me Combs."  I didn't know who he was since he was burned beyond recognition.  In the meantime our Division Officer had gotten the Captain's gig going and was picking up casualties, so we got the burned sailor down into the boat.  He died on the way to the beach.  I later learned that his name was Wilfred John Criswell, one of my best friends from Indiana.

Information provided by Clyde J. Combs